The NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors is seeking nominations for the NIRSA Foundation Leadership Award. The deadline to nominate is Thursday, November 15. The award will be presented during the Annual Meeting of the Members at the 2019 NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Rec and Wellness Expo.

About the NIRSA Foundation Leadership Award

The NIRSA Foundation Leadership Award recognizes an individual or group that has demonstrated outstanding dedication to the mission of the NIRSA Foundation through exceptional contributions of time, talent, and treasure. The award recognizes the value of volunteer service within NIRSA and distinguishes those who have provided leadership to the Association through active participation in fulfilling the NIRSA Foundation’s important work of providing support and meaningful opportunities for leaders in collegiate recreation.

The work of our Foundation is critically important to NIRSA’s future and our ability to remain vibrant and forward-thinking. Past winners of this award demonstrated their passion for NIRSA through action. This award seeks to identify and recognize an individual who possesses that same passion and service to our NIRSA Foundation efforts.

The NIRSA Foundation Leadership Award was first presented at the 2013 NIRSA Annual Conference to Darcy and Bob Bingham. Other recipients include Tom Dison (2014), Dave Koch (2015), Will Holsberry (2016), Stan Campbell (2017), and Loretta Capra (2018).

The NIRSA Foundation annually reinvests more than $100,000 into the NIRSA family in the form of scholarships, research grants, officials’ development, travel stipends, and more thanks to the efforts of many individuals.

Nominate a leader by November 15

Recognize the dedication of your NIRSA family, colleagues, and mentors by submitting a nomination for the NIRSA Foundation Leadership Award!

If you’ve ever been the beneficiary of NIRSA Foundation support, please pay it forward by nominating that NIRSA member you know is a strong champion for the future generation of campus recreation professionals through their support for the NIRSA Foundation.


Mick Mccomber
Director of the Recreational Sports Outdoor Program at University of Minnesota-Duluth | NIRSA Profile

Mick McComber, CRSS, is Director of the Recreational Sports Outdoor Program at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. He currently serves on the NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors.