There are just seven days left to apply for NIRSA Foundation scholarships and stipends! The application deadline is Monday, October 22.

For 2019, there are 45 student and 21 professional scholarship opportunities, as well as 30 additional student awards for the J. Michael Dunn Preconference Workshop at the 2019 NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Rec and Wellness Expo. NIRSA Foundation student scholarships are available to NIRSA 2019, and professional scholarships are available to a variety of NIRSA educational events.

Seven professional member travel stipends, presented by Core Health & Fitness, are also available to cover travel and lodging costs to the 2019 NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Rec and Wellness Expo, the Association’s premier professional development event.

New scholarship opportunities for 2019

The NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors is committed to providing NIRSA members with meaningful opportunities for professional development and presents some exciting new scholarship offerings for 2019:

  • Through its hard work and fundraising at NIRSA 2018, the 2017-2018 NIRSA Student Leadership Team secured enough donations from NIRSA students to provide three NIRSA Foundation scholarships “For Students, By Students” to NIRSA 2019
  • The Region IV Endowment awarded two student scholarships in 2018, and it will offer a new professional scholarship to the Annual Conference for 2019
  • The Region V Endowment, which in 2018 awarded one professional and two student scholarships, will add an additional student scholarship for NIRSA 2019

Remember, applicants fill out a common application that puts them in the running for all scholarships for which they are eligible. Current NIRSA membership is required for scholarship consideration, and the deadline to apply is Monday, October 22.

In addition to having their event registration fees covered, scholarship and stipend recipients receive unique opportunities for professional development and networking through this program.

“Receiving a NIRSA Foundation Scholarship helped me to increase my passion in collegiate recreation as a career as I was able to interact with professional staff from various institutions that all had various job responsibilities under the same job title,” says 2018 William Wasson Scholarship Recipient Lindsay Rausch, Competitive Sports & Perry House Graduate Assistant at Bowling Green State University. “As a result, I was able to see how my undergraduate degree in nutrition and dietetics can be combined with my graduate assistantship to fully promote the aspect of healthy living and wellness within the collegiate community.”

Supporting the NIRSA family

NIRSA Foundation scholarships and stipends are made possible thanks to the incredible generosity of our donors and corporate partners. You can help expand scholarship opportunities to your NIRSA family and the next generation of campus rec leaders by making a gift today. The future starts with you!


Sammy Axley and Maxwell Miller

Sammy Axley, CRSS, RCRSP is currently the Director of Campus Recreation at the University of Albany. He is Chair of the Scholarship Committee. Maxwell Miller, RCRSP is currently Assistant Director of Athletics for Recreation & Wellness at Swarthmore College. He is Chair of the Travel Stipend Committee.