Our Association contains inspiring, generous members who make a significant difference to the future of our profession by helping the NIRSA Foundation provide meaningful resources and opportunities for our NIRSA family. Recognize the dedication of your colleagues and mentors by nominating one for the 2019 NIRSA Foundation Leadership Award! Applications open on August 1 and are due November 15.

“The NIRSA Foundation is involved in work that directly supports some of the most critical pieces of NIRSA’s mission,” says Mick McComber, CRSS, member of the NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors, Chair of the NIRSA Foundation Leadership Award Committee, and Director of the Recreational Sports Outdoor Program at the University of Minnesota Duluth. “This award acknowledges individuals who really go above and beyond with their commitment to the NIRSA Foundation. It’s important that we recognize and celebrate when people do exceptional things.”

The award, presented yearly at the NIRSA Annual Conference, recognizes an individual or group that has demonstrated outstanding dedication to the NIRSA Foundation and its mission through exceptional contributions of time, talent, and treasure. It distinguishes those who have provided leadership to the Association through active participation in and support of the NIRSA Foundation and its mission.

Last year’s recipient, Loretta Capra, CRSS, Department Specialist at Colorado State University, says she was “humbled and appreciative of the distinction,” and adds that it’s an amazing honor to receive the award. “We all have colleagues and peers who are extraordinary and do outstanding work on a daily basis,” she continues. “When you take the time to put together a nomination, it validates their accomplishments and endorses them in ways beyond measure.”

Before 2018, nominations were only made by NIRSA Foundation Board members. The NIRSA Foundation Board of Directors hope that opening the nominations to the entire membership will expand the candidate pool and allow NIRSA members an opportunity to showcase the wonderful generosity of their peers. “Any time we involve the entire membership, regardless of the purpose, it strengthens the outcome,” says Mick.

The NIRSA Foundation Leadership Award was first presented at the 2013 NIRSA Annual Conference, where Darcy and Bob Bingham were honored for their extraordinary commitment to the NIRSA Foundation through contributions and participation in fundraising events and volunteer groups. Other past recipients are Tom Dison (2014), Dave Koch (2015), Will Holsberry (2016), Stan Campbell (2017), and Loretta Capra (2018).

Honor an outstanding individual or group who has made a significant difference to the future of our profession and our NIRSA family by nominating them for the NIRSA Foundation Leadership Award. The award will be presented at the 2019 NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Rec and Wellness Expo.


Kelley Hungerford
NIRSA Assistant Director of Expo & Corporate Relations at  | NIRSA Profile

Kelley Hungerford is currently the Assistant Director of Expo & Corporate Relations at NIRSA.