The NIRSA Assembly is looking forward to the 2018 NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Rec and Wellness Expo taking place in Denver in just a few short weeks! The focus of the Assembly this past year has been engaging the NIRSA membership on how to best meet the evolving needs of its changing demographic populations. The Assembly’s goals have ranged from health and wellness to leadership development. At NIRSA 2018 we will be hosting the interactive panel “Changing Demographics: Meeting the Needs of Underrepresented Students Now and in the Future.” It will be focused on some changing demographics we see among today’s students, like low-income students, first-generation students, veteran students, and student parents.

During the panel, attendees will:

  • gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by underrepresented student groups in higher education
  • be provided with examples of unique programs that have proven successful in engaging underrepresented students at other institutions
  • find new ways to engage underrepresented students at their institution.

Featured on this panel are professionals who currently serve these groups effectively and sacrificially on their campuses:

  • Student parents—Tom Kirch, Oregon State University
  • Veterans—JT Timmons, University of Iowa
  • International students and first-generation students—Kim Rottet, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
  • LGBTQI+ students—Alex Accetta, Portland State University
  • Low-income students—Jesse Hoek, University of West Florida

These panelists will be answering questions submitted by you! Please email NIRSA Leadership Programs Coordinator Lani Beavers with any questions for panelists that serve these groups leading up to the conference. There will also be a chance to ask questions after the session during a Q&A. The session is scheduled for Monday, March 5 from 1:00pm–2:00pm.

Please join in our discussion and help NIRSA “Elevate our Path” to meet the needs of changing student populations now and into the future through collegiate recreation. See you in Denver!


  • For more information, please contact NIRSA Leadership Programs Coordinator Lani Beavers.
Marc Iturriaga
Program Manager at Mount Royal University | NIRSA Profile

Marc Iturriaga, MA, RCRSP, is currently the Program Manager at Mount Royal University. He is currently a member of the NIRSA Assembly.