Are you ready to map out your conference adventure in Denver? Or have you been waiting to see the educational session details before registering?  You can now view the 120+ educational sessions, roundtables, invited speakers, and networking events on the NIRSA website.

You can now browse sessions, meetings, and networking events by Core Competency or by date.  In addition, each session description will include details about the presenters, available CEUs, and the target audience for each presentation.

As conference gets closer, you will be able to download the NIRSA 2018 app from Guidebook® and personalize your schedule.

Outstanding sessions are in store for NIRSA 2018

The NIRSA Annual Conference Program Committee is excited to report that the educational content for NIRSA 2018 is nearly settled. Two hundred and forty-five lead and co-presenters have been notified of their proposal’s acceptance as part of the 2018 NIRSA Annual Conference program. Two hundred and eighty proposals for educational and roundtable sessions were submitted by subject matter experts from across North America and beyond.

With space and time capacities limiting the Program Committee to accept fewer than 30% of the proposals received, the standard for 2018 sessions is sure to be extremely high. Each proposal was reviewed and scored by a peer review group comprised of subject matter experts from across the Association.

NIRSA would like to thank the scores of members who volunteered their time and expertise to refine the pool for a second committee review of sessions. Final selections were made by the Program Committee who make a concerted effort to provide balance among topic and competency areas.

Register soon for best rates and selection

Elevate your path is the theme for the 2018 NIRSA Annual Conference & Campus Rec and Wellness Expo, taking place at the Colorado Convention Center in the heart of downtown Denver, from March 4-7. Early bird registration for this event ends on January 18. Take advantage of reduced rates and register today!

And don’t forget to sign up for one of the many amazing preconference opportunities! These preconference events close as soon as they fill, so be sure to register soon!

Seeking support from your institution?

If you’re asked to provide justification for expenses related to attending the NIRSA Annual Conference to your supervisor or administrator, we’ve provided a few tools to help you build your case: a benefits worksheet, a budget worksheet, and a draft letter for your supervisor.

Mary Callender
Senior Director of Operations at  | NIRSA Profile

Mary Callender, CRSS is the Senior Director of Operations at NIRSA.