Does your flag football team have what it takes to become a national champion? The NIRSA Championship Series flag football season is about to begin with 11 regional tournaments happening across the United States. Regional flag football season will begin at the end of October with regionals at The University of Texas at Dallas and Washington State University.
Following the regional tournaments, the NIRSA National Flag Football Championships will take place in Pensacola, Florida from January 5-7.
Jessica Coleman—Assistant Director of Competitive Sports at The University of West Florida—says, “The National Flag Football Championships are always filled with excitement and a high level of competition.”
Registration for the National Championships opened online in early October and all collegiate teams are invited to join us on a competitive pursuit for Men’s, Women’s, and Co-Rec National Championships! Registration closes on Friday, December 15. For the fourth year in a row, NIRSA’s National Flag Football Championships will also include an Open Division for non-collegiate teams.
Register today and join us in sunny Pensacola, Florida!
Join the online conversation
Make sure to keep an eye on all the action this fall by following the @NIRSAChamp handle on Twitter.
Want to join the conversation? Teams, spectators, officials, and NIRSA professionals can use the hashtag #NIRSAFlag to share their experiences in real time. Captured an Instagram video of an unbelievable touchdown? Created a Vine of the fans going wild after a huge flag pull? Tag @NIRSAChamp and use the #NIRSAFlag hashtag so we can share it with our followers!
- For more information, contact NIRSA National Sport Programs Coordinator, Keeley Naughton .
Keeley Naughton
Keeley Naughton is the NIRSA National Sport Programs Coordinator