On behalf of NIRSA’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission, I invite you to take some time this week to review the resources below for context on the DACA discussion. Whether you choose to integrate them into an upcoming staff training or you’re simply reading them to expand your understanding of the vital topics of equity, diversity, or inclusion, these resources can help shape your perspective on social justice and serve as a reminder for higher education administrators of how to best serve students affected by DACA during this turbulent time.

By Isabel Fattal | The Atlantic

As the Trump Administration flirts with ending protections for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), those of us in higher education are now faced with lingering questions as to how best assist our students during this time of uncertainty. Should the Trump Administration keep true to its initial decision to end DACA, as many as 800,000 undocumented youth risk deportation. Of those 800,000 youth, it is estimated that 10,000 undocumented youth graduate from university each year.

While some university presidents have written letters to President Trump emphasizing the good character and contributions of undocumented students, others feel higher education administrators must take more direct actions to help students, as ending DACA is not a partisan issue, but rather a human rights issue.

This article provides useful context about the impact of ending DACA and sheds light on current conversations surrounding the most effective course of action for higher education administrators.

By Patricia McGuire | Inside Higher Education

In this opinion piece, Patricia McGuire, president of Trinity Washington University, argues that now is the time for leaders within higher education to “affirm some of the most fundamental values of our national commitment to equity and justice, for all people.” She outlines several ways to take action from working on individual campuses to joining forces “across industries and organizations to let Congress know how wide and deep the demand is to provide an effective legal remedy for Dreamers.”

Administrators and student affairs professional may not have all the answers, but it’s important to remember that students don’t expect them to. Rather, higher education institutions should seek out and listen to students’ stories and concerns and strive to implement a support system that can respond to their immediate needs as well as working on a larger scale to advocate for legislative solutions.

Add your voice to the conversation

We encourage you to connect with colleagues from across North America on this important topic. Join NIRSA’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Community of Practice today to find more resources or to participate in the online discussion.

Kim Rottet
Associate Director, Programs at CENTERS, LLC @ Cleveland State University | NIRSA Profile

Kim Rottet is currently the Associate Director, Programs at CENTERS, LLC @ Cleveland State University