On behalf of NIRSA’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission, I invite you to take some time this week to review the resources below. Whether you choose to integrate them into an upcoming staff training or you are simply reading them to expand your understanding on the vital topics of equity, diversity, or inclusion, these resources can help shape your perspective on social justice.

By Kimberlé Crenshaw | Ted Talk

“If you’re standing in the path of multiple forms of exclusion, you’re likely to get hit by both,” explains distinguished professor of constitutional law, civil rights, and critical race studies at UCLA and the Columbia School of Law, Kimberlé Crenshaw.

In this 20-minute Ted Talk, the renowned activist and scholar discusses the importance of understanding how combining identities, such as race and gender, leads to “multiple levels of social injustice.”

Thanks to multiple, real-life examples provided by Crenshaw, this video can serve as an excellent resource for introducing the concept of intersectionality to your staff members.

By Jay Smooth | Race Forward

The video is a part of a report by Race Forward: The Center for Racial Justice Innovation. Race Forward has been working since 1981 to bring “systemic analysis and an innovative approach to complex race issues to help people take effective action toward racial equity.”

While this video focuses on the role media plays in discussions around racism, the information—presented by New York’s hip-hop radio show host Jay Smooth—is a great primer for understanding the various levels of racism, such as individual and systemic.

The full report on “Moving the Race Conversation Forward” aims to reform the way we talk about race and racism in the United States.

The report and video combined can serve as a great tool for people wishing to do some self-education on the complex ways racism impacts our society.

Add your voice to the conversation

We encourage you to connect with colleagues from across North America on this important topic. Join NIRSA’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Community of Practice today to find more resources or to participate in the online discussion.

Erin Patchett
Associate Director of Administration at  | NIRSA Profile

Erin Patchett, PhD., is currently the Director, Administration & Assessment for Campus Recreation at Colorado State University and the President for the NIRSA Board of Directors; you can email her at erin.patchett@colostate.edu.