NIRSA is looking for volunteers to help plan and deliver the 2018 NIRSA Recreation Facilities Institute, presented by Mondo. The Association is in the beginning planning stages and is looking for facilities subject matter experts to join the program committee ranks. If you have an aptitude for leadership, event planning, or educational development or if you’re looking to grow your professional portfolio and like working as part of a team, consider applying to serve on the 2018 Facilities Institute Committee!

NIRSA member participation is the backbone to the success of every NIRSA event. Student or experienced professionals alike, the Association needs you! Now is the perfect time to participate, share your expertise, and expand your professional network. Committee members qualify for 0.3 Professional Involvement Credits which can be used to fulfill renewal requirements for NIRSA’s Professional Registry. Additionally, committee members can register for the event at 50% off their main registration price.

The 2018 NIRSA Facilities Institute won’t happen without the help of generous and dedicated volunteer members. Act now and be a part of this outstanding event. Applications will be available until Wednesday, September 20—so don’t delay, submit your application today!


  • For more information, please contact NIRSA Assistant Director for Professional Development Brittany Rejda.
Director of Professional Development at  | NIRSA Profile

Brittany Rejda is currently the Director of Learning at NIRSA.