NIRSA has a long-standing commitment to supporting small colleges and community colleges. In 2014, the Small Programs Task Force was appointed by the NIRSA Board of Directors with the charge to identify the specific needs of this segment of membership. NIRSA defines small programs as institutions with recreational facilities that serve fewer than 5,000 students, those that have less than five full-time staff, or those that provide only two-year degree programs. The Task Force provided several recommendations, including developing additional resources and benefits specifically for members at small programs.

In response, NIRSA has developed multiple initiatives. One of these initiatives is a grant opportunity for a professional member to conduct a project that pertains specifically to small programs utilizing the Institutional Data Set (IDS), NIRSA’s benchmarking platform. NIRSA is now pleased to announce that the first recipient of this grant is Marci Kuhrt Iverson, Director of Recreational Sports at Viterbo University! Marci will present the findings of this project at the 2018 NIRSA 2018 Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado. The findings will also be available next year in a formal report on the NIRSA website.

Members who wish to support Marci’s project and strengthen its value for members at small programs are strongly encouraged to contribute their institutional data to the IDS, which is proudly supported by the NIRSA Foundation. Even if you are not at a small program, the IDS needs your institution’s data. Members from across the entire Association rely on up-to-date and accurate information from all institutions to make informed decisions regarding their respective programs, facilities, and services. Please consider participating today and take a moment to congratulate your colleague Marci Kuhrt Iverson!

  • For more information, please contact NIRSA Research Coordinator Ruben Guzman.
Ruben Guzman
Research Coordinator at  | NIRSA Profile

Ruben Guzman is currently the Research Coordinator at NIRSA