NIRSA’s Research and Assessment Committee was established in 2010 to foster a culture of research within the Association. Since then, the committee has spearheaded NIRSA’s efforts to establish an invaluable benchmarking system—the Institutional Data Set—and has facilitated the development of collegiate recreation knowledge through the NIRSA Grant Program and peer-to-peer research projects.

The committee has also helped develop survey instruments and sound assessment practices that have been important for members across the Association. The NIRSA Board of Directors and other key leaders within the Association continue to look to the Research and Assessment Committee for their expertise and consult with them in matters pertaining to assessment and scholarship.

The committee’s charges for the 2017-2018 volunteer leadership cycle continue to build upon the work of previous committees. This year’s charges include integrating the Association’s Salary Survey into the IDS. This change will greatly increase the scope of NIRSA’s benchmarking activities and will provide members with the most current and relevant salary data for various professional and student positions within collegiate recreation.

Additionally, the committee will undertake a full review and will revise NIRSA’s Space Planning Guidelines for Campus Recreational Sport Facilities manual. Published in 2009, this manual provides area recommendations for activity spaces within a collegiate recreational facility and serves as a starting point for facility planning and design. The committee’s work this upcoming year will undoubtedly be valuable and will likely require contributions from members across the Association.

Looking forward to the new volunteer leadership cycle, the Research and Assessment Committee will continue to build upon the contributions of previous committees to provide NIRSA and its members with leadership in research. A full description of committee charges can be found on the NIRSA Research and Assessment Committee webpage.


  • For more information, please contact NIRSA Research Coordinator Ruben Guzman.
Ruben Guzman
Research Coordinator at  | NIRSA Profile

Ruben Guzman is currently the Research Coordinator at NIRSA