On behalf of NIRSA’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission, I invite you to take some time this week to review the resources below. Whether you choose to integrate them into an upcoming staff training or you are simply reading them to expand your understanding on the vital topics of equity, diversity, or inclusion, these resources can help shape your perspective on social justice.

By Kathy Obear | The Diversity Factor

In this resource, Organizational Change Consultant Dr. Kathy Obear presents and discusses the seven steps of the triggering cycle—the emotional response a facilitator may experience while leading a presentation, workshop, or dialogue on a difficult topic, specifically related to diversity, inclusion, and equity. This resource provides an overview of each step of the cycle, discussing them in detail and providing strategies and recommendations for ways to navigate these difficult and emotional situations.

As campus recreation professionals, we have a commitment and duty to student development, part of which includes helping students navigate their way through difficult discussions and dialogue. However, we are all human, and bring our own experiences, thoughts, and biases into all spaces, including our discussions with students. It is important to develop strategies that help us to manage our emotions and responses so we do not derail our positive work.

By Teaching Tolerance—A Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center | www.tolerance.org

The Speak Up! handbook—developed by the Division of Continuous Education and Outreach at Rutgers University and published by Elsie Y. Cross Associates, Inc.—combines personal stories with expert analysis and strategies for speaking and standing up to everyday bigotry. Readers will discover strategies and ways to respond to issues such as: sibling slurs, one’s own bias, negative remarks, unwanted email, and many other topics. Concluding thoughts include an overview of the “Six Steps to Speaking Up Against Everyday Bigotry.”

As campus recreation professionals, we all receive emails, attend meetings, and likely have a supervisor and co-workers. What do you do when you receive an inappropriate email or hear a colleague make a bigoted remark during a meeting? How do you respond to bigotry when it comes from your parents, siblings, or close friends? The strategies in this resource will help provide answers to these difficult situations.

By Susan Cain | TED Talk

Susan Cain—co-founder of Quiet Revolution and bestselling author—talks in this short video about introverts, particularly about how they are undervalued. She also shares examples of successful individuals who align with this identity. She discusses the unique talents and abilities of introverts and talks about what we all lose when this group is undervalued. If her TED Talk resonates with you, you might also consider checking out her 2013 book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking on the same topic.

When you think of dominant and subordinated identities, do you think of extroverts and introverts? The way we each show up and are perceived in this world is a huge part of our identity. As campus recreation professionals who work with all types of students, it is important for us to understand all aspects of identity, and not only the current hot topics.

Add your voice to the conversation

We encourage you to connect with colleagues from across North America on this important topic. Join NIRSA’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Community of Practice today to find more resources or to participate in the online discussion.

Jason Foster
Assistant Director for Sport Clubs at  | NIRSA Profile

Jason Foster is currently the Assistant Director for Sport Clubs at Colorado State University-Fort Collins; he can be reached at jason.foster@colostate.edu.