NIRSA owes its success to the leadership of volunteers who generously donate their time and use their experience in the collegiate recreation profession to support NIRSA members and direct NIRSA’s operations and services. Thanks to these dedicated members, NIRSA is able to continue creating and sustaining powerful communities of wellbeing worldwide!

NIRSA members in the newly-established Canadian Region recently voted via electronic elections to fill the open positions on the NIRSA Member Network and the Canadian Regional Leadership Team. From the robust slate of inspiring individuals who stood for office to the dedicated members who took time out of their busy schedules to vote, the strength of our Association depends on your voice—and you’ve made it count.

The Association is thrilled to welcome our incoming professional and student leaders to positions on the 2017-2018 Member Network who assumed their roles on May 1.

NIRSA Member Network representatives

Canadian Regional Representative one-year
Peter Mumford, York University

Canadian Regional Representative two-year
Grachella Garcia, University of Alberta

Canadian Regional Student Leader
Spencer Cavan, University of Guelph

Please join us in congratulating the elected members! The results of the Canadian Regional Leadership Team elections will be announced by email to Canadian members over the coming weeks.

  • For more information, please contact NIRSA Membership Outreach Coordinator Emily Hughes.
Headshot of Emily Hughes
Emily Hughes
Campus Activations Director at  | NIRSA Profile

Emily Hughes is currently the Campus Activations Director at NIRSA.