The NIRSA Triventure—a coordinated hosting of NIRSA’s Aquatic Institute, Fitness & Wellness Institute, and Recreation Facilities Institute—is the Association’s second largest educational event and it happens only once every two years. The 2017 NIRSA Triventure will take place November 30–December 2 in Marietta, Georgia.

Attendees will be able to participate in any educational session offered at this event regardless of the focus area. Now’s your chance to share your knowledge and experience with your professional peers! Don’t delay in submitting a presentation proposal for this exciting event—the deadline to submit is May 31.

Topic Areas

Each institute committee has created a list of topic areas and hot topics to help potential presenters zero in on areas that needs the most attention. While the committees narrowed down the topics, they also tried to keep the topic areas broad enough to allow potential presenters to share new and different ideas. Potential presenters are encouraged to not only submit proposals about great program successes but also lessons learned and creative ways to combat challenges.

The Aquatic Institute Committee is focusing on the following hot topics:

  • Head, neck, and back injuries
  • In-services
  • Aquatic programming

The Fitness & Wellness Institute Committee is focusing on the following hot topics:

  • Generating revenue to keep fees low
  • Tracking participation & applying the data
  • Integrated wellness
  • Best business practices
  • How to train staff
  • Technology
  • Fitness/Programming outside of the rec center
  • Best practices for renovation and maximizing space

The Recreation Facilities Institute Committee is focusing on the following hot topics:

  • Emergency action plan
  • Building security and access
  • Facility maintenance
  • Effective use of facility spaces for activities
  • Sustainability that encompasses facility design

For more information regarding topic areas and hot topics, please visit the respective webpages for the Aquatic Institute, Fitness & Wellness Institute, and the Recreation Facilities Institute.

Why present at the NIRSA 2017 Triventure?

Presenting high-quality educational sessions at specialized NIRSA institutes—like the those in the NIRSA Triventure—is a great way to gain recognition as a thought leader on specialized topic areas in the profession. Now that you know the goals of the program committees when it comes to educational session programming, here is some additional presenter information worth considering:

$100 presenter coupons
Professional and student members who are selected as lead presenters at the NIRSA Triventure will receive a $100 voucher good towards registration fees at this event or a future NIRSA institute or Annual Conference, within one year.

Professional Involvement Credits (PICs)
NIRSA presenters qualify for PICs, which can be applied toward renewal in NIRSA’s Professional Registry.

Effective Presentation Proposal Guide
Visit the NIRSA website to view components of effective proposals and to see the evaluation criteria used by program reviewers.

Additional Guidelines & Resources
The NIRSA website has all the information you need!

Wednesday, May 31 is right around the corner so don’t delay—submit your presentation proposal today! Registration for the NIRSA Triventure opens soon so keep an eye out for that announcement on the NIRSA website, on the NIRSA Facebook page, and via the @NIRSAlive Twitter handle.

  • For more information please contact NIRSA Assistant Director for Professional Development Brittany Rejda.
Nick Zumbrun
Nick Zumbrun
Assistant Director of Learning at  | NIRSA Profile

Nick Zumbrun is currently the Assistant Director of Learning at NIRSA.