At their March 14 meeting, the NIRSA Board of Directors approved Jocelyn Hill, Director of Recreational Sports & Fitness at American University, to serve as the Board’s Annual Director during the 2017-2018 year.

In selecting the Annual Director, careful consideration was given to the Board’s current work and focus. Continuing to build upon the Association’s strategic plan is a high priority for next year’s Board and Jocelyn’s experience and strengths will be assets to this advancement.

Jocelyn has been an active and contributing member in NIRSA for over 20 years. She has led in various volunteer roles and served the Association well. She was an original co-chair of our EDI Value Commission and most recently led the Host Committee for the 2017 Annual Conference in National Harbor, MD.

The Board is excited about the wealth of knowledge and experience Jocelyn will bring to our body. Jocelyn brings an inclusive lens and focus to our board in a variety of areas. Her voice and contributions will bring a valued perspective. She has been a colleague and a friend that I have collaborated with for over 15 years and I am looking forward to her leadership and her contributions to NIRSA in the coming term.

We welcome Jocelyn to the NIRSA Board of Directors and know that her presence on the Board will help move forward the Association’s mission and values.


  • For more information, please contact NIRSA Assistant to the Executive Director Rebecca Reeves.
Bill Crockett, RCRSP
Executive Director, Campus Life Services & Campus Center at  | NIRSA Profile

Bill Crockett is currently the Executive Director of the Division of Student Affairs at the University of Maryland Baltimore, a Past President of NIRSA, and the NIRSA representative on CoHEASAP. He can be reached at