Hosting a NIRSA Championship Series event is an experience that requires a great deal of time and resources, but it’s also very rewarding and comes with a flood of fantastic benefits. Hosting gives your community an economic boost, is a chance to proudly show off your school, and brings positive attention to your institution. This can attract potential graduate assistants. Plus, fundraising through sponsorships, in-kind donations, and entry-fees is a great way to offset any costs.

Host site applications for 2017 NIRSA Regional Flag Football Championships are now available. NIRSA member institutions interested in hosting are encouraged to submit an online application!

“Hosting a NIRSA Regional Flag Football Championship comes with many benefits,” states Mark Comer, NIRSA Championship Series Flag Football Work Team Chair and Assistant Director of Competitive Sports at the University of Baltimore. “Hosting provides professional development opportunities for the institution’s student and professional staff. Hosts will also be recognized throughout the year by the Association via the website and social media, at the National Championships, and will have an opportunity for a staff member at nationals.”

Don’t miss out on this great chance to host a regional championship! The deadline to submit a host site application is Tuesday, March 7submit one today.


Keeley Naughton
National Sport Programs Coordinator at  | NIRSA Profile

Keeley Naughton is the NIRSA National Sport Programs Coordinator