Whether you are an employer looking for outstanding candidates for an important opening in your facility or you are searching for the next opportunity in your campus recreation and wellness career, the NIRSA 2017 Career Opportunities Center (COC) has great things planned for employers and candidates.


Employer registration for the COC is now open at Bluefishjobs.com.  Registration includes access to the COC, a mailbox for candidates to submit their résumé onsite, and a job posting that will be posted for 60 days. You can also search job seeker résumés on the site for free.

To maximize your chances of finding the ideal candidate, be sure to reserve a half-hour presentation room to share with attendees how great it is to work at your institution or company. You can also reserve a job fair table, where you can be front-and-center in the COC and enjoy face time with candidates and attendees.


Candidates can take advantage of expanded career building opportunities in the COC this year. In addition to mock interviews and a résumé review service, you can choose from eight half-hour sessions designed to help make you an even better staff member. Visit the COC pages on the NIRSA website in January for full session details.

Get the NIRSA 2017 app

If you are planning on visiting the COC as either a candidate or an employer, make sure you download the NIRSA 2017 app from Guidebook before you arrive in National Harbor! Guidebook’s messaging functionality is a great way to schedule interviews with candidates without the need to text or email.

  • For more information about the Career Opportunities Center at NIRSA 2017, please contact NIRSA Membership Coordinator Megan Granholm.
Headshot of Megan Granholm
NIRSA Membership Services Coordinator at  | NIRSA Profile

Megan Granholm is currently the Membership Services Coordinator at NIRSA. You can reach her by emailing megan.granholm@nirsa.org.