This fall, the NCAA announced the release of “Sexual Violence Prevention: An Athletics Tool Kit for a Healthy and Safe Culture.” This resource—aimed in particular at athletics administrators—seeks to help create campus communities that are free of sexual violence, that are safe places for students to learn and thrive.

Initiated by the NCAA Sexual Assault Prevention Task Force, the tool kit was reviewed and revised by representatives attending the NCAA-sponsored Higher Education Summit on Sexual Assault Prevention, and is endorsed by higher education associations, NCAA committees, and content matter experts.

NIRSA is proud to be one of those endorsing organizations, strongly believing that collaboration with campus colleagues is a path to reducing sexual violence and promoting a healthy and safe campus culture. NIRSA Executive Director Pam Watts notes, “It’s commendable that the NCAA is promoting collaboration with campus colleagues in the effort to reduce gender-based violence at colleges and universities.”

In addition, NIRSA Past President Stan Shingles represented NIRSA at the February 2016 NCAA Higher Education Summit where—to build consensus for this tool kit—he worked alongside representatives of more than 20 higher education associations, subject-matter experts, and several NCAA committees.

The NCAA sees the tool kit as a practical extension of its 2014 publication “Addressing Sexual Assault and Interpersonal Violence – Athletics’ Role in Support of Healthy and Safe Campuses.” It also outlines five ‘core commitments’ it found to be essential for cultural change—leadership, collaboration, compliance and accountability, education, and student-athlete engagement. Downloadable resources for each of these commitments have been made available by the NCAA for athletics departments and university partners to use in support of their sexual violence prevention efforts.

Headshot of Erin O'Sullivan
Erin O'Sullivan
Director of Advocacy & Strategic Partnerships at  | NIRSA Profile

Erin O'Sullivan is currently the Director of Advocacy & Strategic Partnerships at NIRSA.