All NIRSA online services are back up and functioning. Thank you for your patience through this upgrade process.

If you are having trouble with any online services, you may need to clear your browser’s cookies. If you continue to have issues, please contact NIRSA Headquarters.

Most NIRSA services are now fully functional! In order to ensure a complete transaction in our new database software, please clear your browser’s cookies.

Note: We are experiencing minor technical difficulties with our web host and are working with our developers to fix the problem. These difficulties should not prevent you from most NIRSA services. We expect these difficulties to be corrected within a few hours.

The donation module now appears to be fully working, just in time for #GivingTuesday. In order to ensure a complete transaction in our new database software, please clear your browser’s cookies.

We are aware that some functionality, such as the donations module, are not working, and we’re collaborating with our developers to resolve those issues. As we continue to bring portions of the web services online, please be sure to clear your browser’s cookies.

We’ve been alerted to an issue and we’re actively working on resolving it. In the meantime, please try a new web browser, clear your browser’s cookies, and if that still doesn’t work let us know of any errors you receive.

We are still in the process of updating several website applications including NIRSA Connect and our registration software (PDF registrations are available). While we hope to have all components of the site running by the end of today, please note that NIRSA Headquarters will be shut down for the remainder of the week. We’ll be back in the office on Monday, November 28.

Because we are serious about improving member services, NIRSA is preparing to upgrade the Association’s database software. For the short time that these updates are in process, certain NIRSA web services and resources will be unavailable.

The temporary outage will primarily affect the NIRSA Connect platform and the NIRSA store. Additionally, the discussion forum, resource library, Institutional Data Set, and online transactions (e.g., registrations, donations, membership dues renewals, etc.) will be down. Service interruptions will occur November 21–22, although the ripple effect may last for a few days into the weekend.

Registrations for the 2017 NIRSA Annual Conference can continue to be submitted by pdf without any interruptions. And the upgraded platform will be up and running in time for #GivingTuesday. By timing this upgrade to coincide with the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States, we hope to minimize service disruptions as much as possible. We hope you will be out of the office and enjoying down time of your own.

  • If you require immediate access to a NIRSA service or resource that is unavailable to you, please call NIRSA Headquarters at 541-766-8211 or contact us by email at
Keli Kuykendall
Senior Director of Operations at  | NIRSA Profile

Keli Kuykendall is NIRSA's Senior Director of Operations. She can be reached at