Coming to you from the newest aquatic space for the University of New Hampshire community, I’d like to spend a little time this month sharing with you some of the things I’ve learned about the makeup of our Association’s Board of Directors.
In previous blog entries—“Just what is the NIRSA Board of Directors?” and “Exploring the how and why of the Board’s recent statement on equity, diversity, and inclusion”—I talked about the general role of the NIRSA Board and tried to shine some light on the process of how the Board goes about its work. But, I think it might be valuable for me to also spend a little time talking about the variety of Board member tracks—both elected and appointed—as well as about how the individual members of the Board come together to make up a larger whole.
Humans of NIRSA
I’m also happy to share another profile in the “Humans of NIRSA” campaign to help showcase some of the many talented individuals in our Association. Check out my interview with Austin Anderson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Southern Indiana:
Thanks for watching, and I invite you all to share your thoughts with me throughout the year by email or on Twitter—you can follow me on the @NIRSAPresident handle.
Stacey Hall
Stacey Hall, Ph.D., RCRSP, CRSS, is Assistant Vice Provost of Student Life at the University of New Hampshire and is a NIRSA Past President.