As the school year kicks off and students eagerly return to our collegiate recreation facilities and programs, it is easy to get lost in the chaos and excitement. NIRSA regional conferences and state workshops are quickly approaching and provide a wonderful opportunity to network, seek out professional development, and invite and introduce new students or colleagues interested in the field of collegiate recreation to everything that is NIRSA.
Make your plans now to attend a local regional conference or state workshop to experience other universities’ recreational facilities and meet other professionals and students in your region!
Region I
The Region I Conference and Student Lead On will be held in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, October 24–26. Registration is now open and early bird rates are available until October 3. A wide variety of preconference workshops are being offered, so make sure to take advantage these awesome opportunities: Community Service Project, Student Lead On, Mid-Level Managers Workshop, Director’s Roundtable, fitness certification, and facility tours!
Region II
Emory University, Georgia State University, Georgia Tech, the University of West Georgia, and Kennesaw State University are joining forces and hosting the Region II Conference and Student Leader On in Atlanta, October 30–November 2. The schedule and preconference offerings are jam packed and offer something for everyone! Early bird pricing is available until September 30.
Region III
Each fall Region III hosts state workshops. This year’s events will take place in October. Wisconsin and Illinois start things off October 5–7: WIRSA at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, IIRSA at Augustana College. The Michigan State Workshop will be held October 11–13 at Western Michigan University. Followed by the Indiana State Workshop, October 20–21, at Rose Hulman Institute of Technology. The Region III state conference season will wrap up with the Ohio State Workshop, October 26–28, hosted by Baldwin Wallace University.
The Region III Student Lead On will be in Columbus, Ohio, January 26–28. Hopefully, by now, you have realized that #region3istheplacetobe! This event is predominately aimed towards students in Region III but welcomes professionals in the region as well.
Region IV
The Region IV Conference and Student Lead On will be in St. Louis, Missouri, November 6–9. The conference will take place at the Hilton just steps away from the St. Louis Cardinals’ Busch Stadium. The conference is partnering with Operation Food Search, a St. Louis based hunger relief organization, to help fund their Operation Back Pack Program. Registration details and more information about the program will be coming soon!
Region V
Region V hosts regional conferences every other year; 2016 falls in its regional conference off-cycle year. The region is offering state workshops throughout the fall months in a variety of locations, so make sure to take advantage of the workshop closest to you!
The Colorado and Wyoming State Workshop is being hosted by CU Boulder from October 26–28. The South Dakota and Nebraska State Workshop hosted by Chadron State College in Chadron, Nebraska will take place October 11–12. The North Dakota and Minnesota State Workshop will be legeNDary and is hosted by University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, September 29–30. The Iowa RECshare will be hosted by the University of Iowa in Iowa City on October 27–28.
The Western Canadian Campus Recreation Conference will in Victoria, British Columbia and will be hosted by the University of Victoria from October 13–15. This conference will cover both Region V and Region VI areas of Canada and will be a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the Canadian Region Task Force and the recent progress they have made.
Region VI
Join us in Southern California at the Riverside Convention Center in Riverside, November 2–4 for the Region VI Conference and Student Lead On. The Inland Empire is ready to host this three-day conference and hopes its conference attendees will be excited to join them to receive knowledge, learn the craft, and share the experience! Early bird rates are good through September 30.
Explore other Regions!
While the above conferences and workshops are arranged by regions or states, we encourage members to expand their horizons, broaden their networks, and explore new areas they have never experienced. All conferences and workshops are open and we hope you take advantage of the opportunity to learn something new and experience something different!
- For more information about NIRSA state, provincial, and regional events, please contact your Member Network Representative.

Heather Foster, Region V Representative
Heather Foster, Region V Representative, is currently the Assistant Director of Member Services at Colorado State University-Fort Collins