This year, there has been tremendous growth in NIRSA’s powerful new benchmarking tool, the Institutional Data Set (IDS). Since launching the IDS in January of 2016, over 280 member institutions have entered data about many aspects of their school’s collegiate recreation programs and facilities. This includes details about their indoor and outdoor facility spaces, not to mention information about participation rates. This active participation from members has strengthened the value of the IDS, making it a more useful resource for our members.

During this time, NIRSA has received insightful feedback from IDS users and reviewers. We will soon begin the process of integrating this feedback in an effort to refine the IDS platform for next year’s data collection. As a result of this upgrade, the IDS’ data entry and reporting features will be unavailable from September 6 until early October.

The IDS—which is supported by the NIRSA Foundation’s generous donors—will reopen ahead of the data collection efforts for the 2016 year. We apologize for any inconvenience; however, the Association is continually looking to improve the benefits and services available to members, and these improvements to the IDS will help us achieve this goal.

  • If you have any questions or concerns regarding the closure of the IDS, please contact NIRSA’s Research Coordinator Ruben Guzman.
Ruben Guzman
Research Coordinator at  | NIRSA Profile

Ruben Guzman is currently the Research Coordinator at NIRSA