By Aaron Kroth, Assistant Director for Facility Operations – Aquatics at The University of Texas at Austin and Alice Kersting, NIRSA Special Projects Coordinator
The NIRSA Research & Assessment Award recognizes a NIRSA member or research team who have made an extraordinary contribution toward advancing research and assessment initiatives on their campus. This often has a wonderful impact on the profession as a whole as well. Nominations, which are due by December 15, will be reviewed by the NIRSA Research & Assessment Committee and the selected recipient or recipients will be recognized at the 2016 NIRSA Annual Conference & Recreational Sports Expo taking place in Kissimmee, FL from April 3–6.
Last year’s Research & Assessment Award recognized Colorado State University – Fort Collins’ Erin Patchett—RCRSP, CRSS, and Assistant Director of Facilities & Aquatics—and Jason Foster—Assistant Director of Sport Clubs—for their outstanding research project “Inclusive Recreation: The State of Collegiate Policies, Facilities, Trainings, and Programs for Transgender Participants.” In addition to their work at Colorado State – Fort Collins, both Erin and Jason are concurrently part-time doctoral students at the University of Northern Colorado.
After beginning research around transgender participants for a class together, Erin and Jason continued to pursue and expand the project on their own initiative. This happened after they realized how important it was for this research to be better understood and disseminated. They started expanding on their project by working with NIRSA’s Research & Assessment Committee to conduct a member-to-member survey in the summer of 2013.
Receiving the Research & Assessment Award has broadened their project’s scope and audience. Erin recalls trying “to share the research everywhere.” But while they “had the opportunity to share on campus, having it recognized and visible on a big screen on stage at the Annual Conference allowed people to see it and think about it who maybe wouldn’t have before.” Erin notes that even the honor of being nominated was a “vital piece to advancing our work. Knowing the Association cares about research and assessment means a lot.” She’s also thrilled that their work will have the opportunity to reach an even greater audience through an upcoming publication in the fall issue of the Recreational Sports Journal.
The NIRSA Research & Assessment Committee urges you to recognize and promote the work of your peers by nominating a current NIRSA member or research team who are masters/post-graduate students, faculty, or staff at a college or university. Nominations will be accepted through December 15.
For more information about the NIRSA Research & Assessment Award, please contact NIRSA Special Projects Coordinator Alice Kersting.