By Chris Muller, Associate Director at The University of Texas at Arlington

The NIRSA Annual Conference is the only place where more than 2,500 students and colleagues from collegiate recreation gather expressly to advance the profession. It’s also the only time that members from across all six NIRSA regions get to gather face-to-face. However, no matter how great the pay-off, funding travel to events like the NIRSA Annual Conference can pose a significant challenge.

It is to this end that the NIRSA Foundation is excited to announce a continued partnership with NIRSA associate member Core Health & Fitness, formerly known as Star Trac. For the third year in a row, this opportunity offers six NIRSA professional members the chance to attend the 2016 NIRSA Annual Conference & Recreational Sports Expo, which is being held from April 3–6 in Kissimmee, Florida.

The NIRSA Foundation Travel Assistance Stipend presented by Core Health & Fitness will award one professional member from each of NIRSA’s six regions the opportunity to advance their careers in the field of collegiate recreation. At NIRSA 2016, these professionals will gain valuable knowledge and get to network with other professionals in the field—all without having to shoulder the full cost of travel and lodging.

It makes sense that Core Health & Fitness is making a substantial commitment to supporting the work of collegiate recreation professionals. Both Core Health and Fitness and NIRSA hold the development of healthy people as a core value; “It’s important to invest in the future of fitness, as those habits are formed or solidified at the college and university level,” says Core Health & Fitness’ National Education Sales Manager John Brey.

Core Health & Fitness’ funding of the travel stipends actually goes above and beyond their partnership obligations with NIRSA. “We didn’t want the dollars that it takes to get to conference and associated hotel costs to become the reason why someone couldn’t get there,” John explains. “Core Health & Fitness felt that the education and networking opportunities that exist at the NIRSA Annual Conference are extremely valuable to the development of the professional. Our desire to aid those people who couldn’t otherwise afford to make it far outweighed not providing the travel assistance.”

Travel stipends will be awarded based on need with preference going to members who have not been able to attend an Annual Conference in the last two years. The stipend is specifically designed to cover the travel expenses—up to $1,000—associated with attending the 2016 NIRSA Annual Conference. Funds can be applied to airfare, mileage, and hotel costs. The deadline to apply for a Travel Assistance Stipend is Tuesday, November 17. Applicants will be notified by no later than Monday, January 4 regarding whether they have been awarded one of the stipends.

Stipend information—including the application, eligibility, and submission guidelines—can be found on the NIRSA website. Information about student and professional scholarships is also available on the website as well as in this news article.


For more information about the NIRSA Foundation Travel Assistance Stipend presented by Core Health & Fitness please contact NIRSA Leadership Programs Coordinator Sarah Leskovec.