By Valerie McCutchan

NIRSA Championship Series tournaments bring with them incredible learning experiences and fodder for life long memories—and not just for the players!

It takes a true departmental team to plan for and execute a tournament, allowing students and professionals alike to stretch their abilities in new ways, think on their feet, and learn by doing, providing students real-world experiences in the profession that they can build on as they continue in the field.

Bring the tournament energy and excitement to your campus!

Hosting a NIRSA Championship Series event, of course, requires time and resources, but it brings an undeniable wealth of benefits and fun to your department. Consider some of the specific benefits your institution will gain through hosting:

  • Positive attention to your institution; thus, attracting potential graduate assistants
  • Opportunities for students to practice leadership skills and networking that will prove valuable in their future career paths
  • An economic boost to your community from the weekend event
  • Fundraising through sponsorships, in-kind donations, and entry fees
  • A chance to proudly show off your school

In addition to the short-term and long-term advantages of hosting a NIRSA Championship Series Regional in flag football, hosting is worth it for the excitement and satisfaction alone. To see this in action, check out the December Know feature story on NIRSA institutions joining forces with Special Olympics Unified Sports to put on what became, for so many involved, a life changing experience.

If you’re interested in hosting the 2014 NIRSA Championship Series Regional Flag Football events are encouraged to submit an online application. The deadline to submit a host site application is March 21.