By Sierra Smith

Registration for NIRSA 2014 is open and we’re excited to see so many of our NIRSA family members already registered!

If you haven’t signed up yet, don’t delay— early-bird rates only run until March and you won’t want to miss a beat this year as we reunite in Nashville to “harmonize our values.”

We’ll be “harmonizing our values” with some rockin’ ed sessions at NIRSA 2014 in Nashville.

Our preconference activities and workshops offer something for everyone. The variety of activities from facility tours to rock climbing to golfing to community service reflect the dynamic interests and engagements of NIRSA members, while the preconference workshops offer attendees six different opportunities to enact with our strategic values and spend their first day in Nashville learning something new! Many have limited space, so act soon!

The slate of educational sessions is being finalized by the 2014 Program Committee. All submitters will be notified of their proposal’s status by mid-December and, once all submitters have been notified, the session schedule will be posted to the website.

“This session was inspiring. Hearing about the culture you’ve established at your institution is motivational and has made me want to bring these ideas to my program.”

Don’t forget to then utilize this information in your requests for institutional or departmental funding. To help facilitate this process, NIRSA has sample letters geared towards both students and professionals. Simply fill in your personal information, expand where/if necessary, and submit your proposal.

You can register for NIRSA 2014 online or through the PDF option. Information to make hotel reservations, including multiple room reservations, is available to registered attendees via the registration confirmation email response. Limited hotel rooms are available, so don’t delay getting registered for this rockin’ event!