The date has been set, the staff is getting ready, and the fields are being prepped—hello NIRSA regional fall tournament season! The NIRSA Championship Series is ecstatic for not only flag football regionals to start next week but also soccer regionals! Next week on the 19th, three tournaments will take place. For flag football regionals, Oklahoma State University and the University of Florida start the flag football season. And on the soccer regional side, Iowa State University kicks off the season.
We don’t stop there though. This year we have eight total soccer regional events and ten total flag football regionals. Check out our soccer or flag football regional websites to see the full list of regional sites for the 2018 season or click on either article below!
Want to keep an eye on all the regional action? Follow @NIRSAChamp on Twitter or Instagram, tag us, post, or comment! And don’t forget to use the hashtags #NIRSAFlag and #NIRSASoccer. You can also follow the action on the NIRSA Play Blog. Remember the national championships for soccer will happen in Foley, AL from November 29–December 1 and the flag football national championship will be hosted once again in Pensacola, FL from January 4–6.
- Questions regarding the tournaments can be directed to NIRSA National Sport Programs Coordinator Nicole Jackson.

Nicole Jackson
Nicole Jackson is currently the Director of National Sport Programs at NIRSA.