By Kristen Gleason

Are you a recreation professional who finds yourself playing the role of guidance counselor, financial advisor, lawyer, experiential educator, conduct officer, cheerleader, principal, travel agent, leadership developer, conflict resolution facilitator, risk manager, and fundraising guru? That’s a lot of hats to wear! And if the answer is yes, you’re probably working with a student organization!

The 2016 Student Organization Institute is a chance for professionals and student organization advisors to further their understanding of many topics including advising, risk management, and student conduct. This institute—a partner program from the Association of College Unions International (ACUI), the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), the National Association for Campus Activities (NACA), and NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation—will take place in Denver, Colorado at the University of Denver from June 27–30.

During my thirteen years as a recreation professional, sport clubs were a consistent part of my program portfolio. While sport club involvement can be a wonderful student experience, it’s also very complex. Sport club professionals have the responsibility of providing opportunities for student leadership to develop while serving as a guiding hand to help such organizations operate safely and effectively within the framework of their institution. This requires professionals to have a broad foundation of knowledge.

The Student Organizations Institute will be an opportunity for NIRSA members to participate in educational sessions specifically addressing the unique needs of those working with student organizations. Participants will also be able to network with colleagues from various functional areas in the field of student affairs who are facing the same joys and challenges as they strive to support and advocate for these dynamic student groups on their campuses.

This institute will include a balance of traditional institute instruction style as well as small group breakout sessions and other networking opportunities. So mark your calendars! Registration and more information for the 2016 Student Organization Institute will be made available in April.


For more information about the 2016 Student Organizations Institute, or if you have any questions, please contact the NIRSA Professional Development Department.